Effective Time Management Techniques for Small Businesses

March 8, 2024
Time Management

Time is one of the things that we don’t have endless supply of and is why we need to be aware of what we are spending our time on. Here are a couple of tips that can really make the difference to  how you allocate and be productive with your time:

The Pareto Principle

  • This is the idea that 80% of the results come from 20% of the inputs.
  • A great example of this is when consuming content to help grow your business. For example,  watching a short video on how to do email marketing that leads to 80% of the results is better than consuming content for several hours that gets you 100% of the results.
  • The input will be far greater but the outcome will be dissimilar.

Parkinson’s Law:

  • This is the idea that work expands to fill the time that we allocate to it.
  • When we give ourselves a shorter amount of time to achieve something we will make the most of that time.
  • But, if we give ourselves forever to achieve something that thing will never be achieved.
  • For example, setting yourself 1 hour to film all your content for the week, rather than giving yourself the whole day will ensure that you are making the most of your time and being the most productive that you can be.

2 - Minute Rule:

  • This is a great technique to motivate you to do work.
  • Telling yourself that you will do the task for only 2 minutes will allow you to do tasks that you have no interest in doing.
  • What you will find is that after the 2 minutes are up you will think to yourself you might as well carry on doing the thing.
  • For example, give yourself 2 mins to reply to emails will encourage you to continue to reply to all emails.

Batching Tasks:

  • Batching similar tasks together is a great way to ensure that you are making the most of your time.
  • This technique allows you to maintain concentration on tasks that you want to achieve.
  • For example, replying to emails whenever they come in your inbox is distraction to the task that are actually going to provide you value. Sure, replying to emails is in important task and is why batching all of them in one go can allow you to be more productive with your time as you will lowering any distractions.

Learning Touch Typing:

  • This is a skill that we should all try and learn, since we are all using laptops / computers and typing everyday.
  • To type as we think will save valuable time.
  • To put into context, the average touch typing speed is 40 words per minute. See what your touch typing speed: 10fastfinger.com

App Blockers:

  • Using app blockers can ensure that you are not being distracted from social media, Netflix and alike.
  • There are a numerous of app blockers that you can use

In summary, these tools have helped with running this business and other life commitments, but ultimately it all comes down to your mindset and what you want to achieve.

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